It's the little things

Start small and work towards the big things. Whether it's a weaving project or a whole new direction in life, it's that first little step that gets the whole thing underway. Pal Janet at High Fibre Diet inspired this post. It got a boost from Laura who sent her the poster. It's the age old debate about going BIG and where to start. I'm on the "plant a small seed" side. Maybe that's the gardener in me? Janet planted a seed this week and it sprouted a couple of new bloggers already. More signs of spring I'd say!


Marg said…
I am impressed, you have been working and not goofing off. They look good
Yup, keeping the fingers busy. I see you've dusted off a blog or two!
Marg said…
I have actually.I promised myself I would keep them updated as well as my website.
laura said…
aww--lookit them! they look like little cupcakes! mmm-cupcakes...

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